Advanced QTP tutorial For Experienced professionals

Hello friends - On this page you will find all advanced concepts in QTP. If you are new to QTP, you should visit our basic QTP tutorial for beginners at and then you can learn advanced concepts in QTP on this page.

In below tutorial we are going to learn below concepts in advanced QTP.

  1. Excel Programming in QTP.
  2. QTP and VB Scripting.
  3. Working with Databases in QTP.
  4. Utility Objects in QTP.
  5. Datatable object in QTP.
  6. File Handling in QTP.
  7. Frameworks in QTP.
  8. QTP and HTML DOM.
  9. Mainframe Testing with QTP.
  10. Microsoft outlook Automation using QTP.
  11. Regular Expression in QTP.
  12. XML file processing QTP.
  13. Comparison of QTP with other tools

1. Excel Programming in QTP.

When automating any application, you convert manual test cases into automated ones in the form of excel sheets. So you should know how to do excel programming in QTP.

You should be able to do following excel programs in QTP.

  1. How to write data to excel file in QTP
  2. How to read excel file in QTP
  3. How to delete excel file in QTP
  4. How to Open a excel sheet in QTP
  5. How to read value from Excel cell in QTP
  6. How to Create excel file in QTP
  7. How to Export Datatable to Excel in QTP

2. QTP and VB Scripting.

To become a good QTP automation tester you must have excellent knowledge of vbscript language.
You must know how to do below programming tasks in VB scripting. VB script code is 100% portable in QTP.

  1. How to convert data types in qtp
  2. how to find time difference in QTP
  3. How to find date difference in QTP
  4. how to find future date in QTP
  5. how to get current year in QTP
  6. How to Exit For Loop in QTP
  7. How to Find the Length of a string in QTP
  8. How to find array size in QTP
  9. How to convert date format in qtp
  10. How to get system time in QTP
  11. Difference between sub and function in QTP
  12. How to find the absolute value of the number in QT...
  13. How to find the data type of variable in QTP
  14. How to remove the spaces from string in QTP
  15. How to replace the string in QTP
  16. How to get the last character from a string in QTP...
  17. How to get the first character in the string in QTP
  18. How to convert a string into upper case in QTP
  19. How to convert a string into lowercase in QTP
  20. How to check if substring exists in a string in QTP

Apart from above examples you can visit my blog on vb script to learn it in detail

3. Working with databases in QTP.

You can connect to any kind of database like MYSQL, SQL Server, MS-ACCESS, ORACLE through QTP. We can read data from database as well as insert data into database. We can also delete data from database using QTP. We use ADODB object to work with databases.

We can follow below links for database examples in QTP -

  1. How to access Database in QTP
  2. how to connect to database in QTP
  3. How to fetch data from database in QTP
  4. How to insert data in database in qtp
  5. How to delete a record from database in QTP

4. Utility Objects in QTP.

There are many utility objects in QTP. Below is the list of utility objects in QTP.

  1. datatable
  2. dotnetfactory
  3. crypt object
  4. description object
  5. mercuryTimers
  6. Reporter
  7. RepositoriesCollection

5. Datatable Object in QTP.

Datatable object in QTP is used to perform operation on datatable. Datatables are used to store the test data.

Below is the list of operations that you can perform on datatable in QTP.

  1. Importing the excel worksheet into datatable
  2. Exporting the datatable sheet to Exel workbook.
  3. Deleting the sheet from Datatable
  4. Inserting a new sheet into datatable
  5. Read values from cells in the sheets in datatable
  6. Write values into cells in the sheets in the datatable.

To learn more about datatable object in QTP you can visit below links.

  1. Datatable object in QTP
  2. How to get current sheet from Datatable in QTP
  3. How to Export Datatable to Excel in QTP
  4. how to check if parameter exists in Datatable

6. File Handling in QTP.

In many automation testing projects you will have to process the files like write contents to files, reading from files etc.
QTP provides filesystemobject to do file operations.

Please visit below links to learn more about the File handling in QTP.

  1. How to create a text file in QTP
  2. How to Read a text file in QTP
  3. How to write data to text file in QTP
  4. How to delete text file in QTP
  5. How to copy text file in QTP
  6. How to append contents to text file in QTP
  7. How to Rename a File in QTP
  8. How to check if file exists in QTP
  9. How to write contents to text file in QTP

7. Frameworks in QTP.
When you are working with QTP, you automate the process using record and playback.
But to develop the automation scripts more easily and rapidly, you must design the automation framework.
So what are the types of automation frameworks in QTP.

  1. Data Driven Automation Framework in QTP
  2. Keyword Driven Automation Framework in QTP
  3. Hybrid Framework ( Data Driven + Keyword )

To learn more about the keyword driven framework, you can visit Keyword Driven Automation Framework in QTP


When you are testing web applications, You can use html dom along with QTP to get data from Web Page.

HTML DOM gives you access to html source code of the page. SO you can traverse through all elements inside the page using DOM. To know more on how we can use HTML DOM you can visit

9. Mainframe Automation Testing with QTP.

If you want to automate mainframe application, you can follow the best practises mentioned below.

10. Outlook with QTP.

Using outlook object model we can send mail from outlook using QTP. We can also read the mails from inbox. We can get subject, body of the mail using outlook object.

To understand how we can use outlook in QTP, follow below links

11. Regular Expressions in QTP.

Regular expression can be used to detect a pattern in given string. So understanding how regular expressions work in QTP is very important.

For Example - abc.* This regular expression will identify all strings like abcsjdhd or abcjhkjdf.

12. XML file processing in QTP.

We can process XML files in QTP using XML DOM.

13. Comparison of QTP with other Automation tools.

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