Keyword driven Automation Framework is most popular QTP framework. It is very easy to design and learn a keyword driven automation framework in QTP.
In this article I will explain you all details about how we can design and use keyword driven automation framework in QTP with example. I will also explain the advantages and disadvantages of keyword driven automation framework in QTP.
What is keyword driven automation framework in QTP?
In keyword driven automation framework, focus is mainly on kewords/functions and not the test data. This means we focus on creating the functions that are mapped to the functionality of the application.
For example -
Suppose you have a flight reservation application which provides many features like
- Login to the application
- Search Flights
- Book Flight tickets
- Cancel Tickets
- Fax Order
- View Reports
To implement the keyword driven automation framework for this kind of application we will create functions in vbscript for each functionality mentioned above. We pass the test data and test object details to these functions.
What are the main components of keyword driven automation framework in QTP?
Each keyword driven automation framework has some common components as mentioned below.
As dispalyed in above image, We have 5 main components in keyword driven automation framework
Scripts Library (.vbs, .txt, .qfl)
OR - Object Repository
Test Data (generally in excel format)
QTP - Settings and Environment Variables
Reports - (Generally in HTML format)
Test Driver Script/ Test Engine
We will see examples of each component in below section.
1. Library Scripts (Files) in keyword driven automation framework in QTP.
As I mentioned earlier, in keyword driven automation framework we develop the kewords that are mapped to the functionality of the application. In large automation projects where there are many functionalities, We need to create lot of functions. Generally We create functions for each module in the application and store similar functions in seperate library files.
For example -
We can store login/logout related functions in authentication.vbs file.
All functions related to booking could be stored in booking.vbs
Sample function in authentication.vbs is given below. Please note that single vbs file may contain multiple functions.
Function login()
'Setting the user id
Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Agent Name:").Set uId
Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Agent Name:").Type micTab
'setting the password
Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Password:").SetSecure password
If Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Agent Name:").Exist(1) Then
'Log the result saying login failed
'log the result saying login passed/successful
End If
End Function
Please note that we can store library files with 3 extentions i.e. .vbs, .txt and .qfl.
QTP engineers prefer to store the library files in a file with extension .vbs as we can include vbs files using executefile statement and also find out the syntax errors by double clicking on the vbs file.
QFL file long form is Quick test function library.
2. Object Repository in keyword driven automation framework in QTP.
In QTP there are two types of Object Repository.
Out of these 2 object repositories,
Shared object repository is very popular among QTP testers. Because we can have all test objects in single file. This helps us to maintain the object repository. To add/ edit objects inside shared object repository, you must go to
Object Repository Manager and open the .tsr file and then make the changes in the shared object repository.
3. Test Data (generally in excel format) in keyword driven automation framework in QTP.
Generally automated test cases are stored in excel sheets. From QTP ,we read excel file and then row by row we execute the functions in a test case. Each test case is implemented as a set of keywords.
Common columns in Data sheet are mentioned below.
Test case ID - Stores the Test Case ID mapped to Manual Test Cases.
Test Case Name - Name of the Test cases/ Scenario.
Execute Flag - if Marked Y -> Test case will be executed
Test_Step_Id - Steps in a test case
Keyword - Mapped to function in library file.
Object Types - Class of the object e.g winedit, webedit, swfbutton etc
Object Names -Names of objects in OR .
Object Values - Actual test data to be entered in the objects.
Parameter1 - This is used to control the execution flow in the function.
Please note that this is just a sample data sheet that can be used in keyword driven framework. There could be customized data sheets for each project depending upon the requirement and design.
For example there could be more parameters or test data is stored in the databases.
4. QTP Test Settings and Environment Variables in keyword driven automation framework in QTP.
This is also one of the most important component of the keyword driven automation framework.
Test settings We need to do some setting before we execute any test suite. This could be one time set up or per execution request set up.
List of Important Settings -
Object Synchronization timeout -
When Error Occurs during run session -
Resources - Associated library files
Environment - We need to set up some variables like folder path, User Id etc
Recovery - We must associate the recovery scenario file to the test. Recovery Scenario will handle unexpected events during execution. This will help for smooth execution using QTP.
5. Reports in keyword driven automation framework in QTP.
In actual projects we generally do not rely on the reports/results generated by the QTP. We usually create the reports in html formats using custom reporting function. We use
filesystemobject to create html reports.
Reports will display the total number of test cases executed, Total Pass Test cases, Total Failed test cases and total time required to execute the test cases. This will give better picture of QTP Execution.
Reports module may contain below functions.
'Below function will create the folder in which reports are stored
Function CreateReportFolder()
Set Fo = createobject("Scripting.FilesystemObject")
If Not Fo.FolderExists(Environment.Value("ResultPath")) Then
Fo.CreateFolder ( Environment.Value("ResultPath") )
End If
'Below function will store the log of the test case in memory variable called templog until it is written to file permanently.
Function CreateTestCaseLog(log,intStatus)
If intStatus = 1 Then
strhtml = "<span style=""color:green""> Pass : </span> "
ElseIf intStatus = 2 Then
strhtml = "<span style=""color:red""> Fail : </span> "
ElseIf intStatus = 3 Then
strhtml = "<span style=""color:maroon""> Warning : </span> "
ElseIf intStatus = 4 Then
strhtml = "<span> Info : </span> "
End If
templog = templog & strhtml & log & "<br/>"
End Function
'Below function will write the log to html file permanently
Function GenerateHtmlReport(byval testCount,byval Test_Id,byval Test_Name,byval Test_Status,byval Test_Description)
If Test_Status = False Then
Test_Status = "<span style=""color:red"">Fail</span>"
Test_Status = "<span style=""color:green"">Pass</span>"
End If
If testCount = 0 Then
strDetailedHTML = "<html><head><title>Detailed Report Of Execution </title> "
strDetailedHTML = strDetailedHTML & css
strDetailedHTML = strDetailedHTML & "</head> <body><table>"
strDetailedHTML = strDetailedHTML & "<tr><th colspan=5> HTML Report </th></tr>"
strDetailedHTML = strDetailedHTML & "<tr><th>No</th><th>Test_Case_Id</th><th>Test_Case_Name</th><th width='500px'>Test_Case_Log</th><th>Test_Case_Status</th></tr>"
filepath = "Detailed.html"
Call AppendFileData(filepath,strDetailedHTML)
End If
strDetailedHTML = "<tr><td> " & testCount & " </td><td>" & Test_Id & " </td><td> " & Test_Name & " </td><td style=""text-align:left;""> " & Test_Description & "</td><td>" & Test_Status & "</td></tr>"
filepath = "Detailed.html"
Call AppendFileData(filepath,strDetailedHTML)
End Function
'Below utility/helper function will append the data to existing html file
Function AppendFileData(byval filepath, byval contents)
filepath = Environment.Value("ResultPath") & "\" & filepath
Set Fo = createobject("Scripting.FilesystemObject")
Set f = Fo.openTextFile(filepath,8,true)
f.Write (contents)
Set f = nothing
End Function
6. Test Driver Script/Test Engine Script
This is the heart of keyword driven / data driven frameworks. This is the main script that interacts with all modules mentioned above.
Main tasks that are accomplished by driver script are ->
- Read data from the Environment variables /File or from ini file.
- Call report module to create Report folders / files
- Import Excel sheet to Data table.
- Read Excel file.
- Call the function mapped to keyword.
- Log the result
Sample Driver Script is given below
Function ExecuteTest()
'Load Environment Variables
Environment.Value("TestDirectory") = replace(Environment.Value("TestDir"),"Scripts\Driver Script","")
Environment.LoadFromFile Environment.Value("TestDirectory") & "Environment Variable\Env.ini"
strSheetName = Environment.Value("SheetName")
Environment.Value("ResultFolderPath") = Environment.Value("TestDirectory") & "Results\" & formatdatetime(now,2)
Environment.Value("ResultFolderPath") = replace(Environment.Value("ResultFolderPath"),"/","-")
gfilestamp = replace(replace(formatdatetime(now),":","-"),"/","-")
If instr(strSheetName,"|")>0 Then
End If
For i=0 to ubound(arrSheet)
gfilestamp = replace(replace(formatdatetime(now),":","-"),"/","-")
TestStartTime = Now()
tmpDataTbl = "xyz"
tmpSheetLocation = Environment.Value("TestDirectory") & "Input Data\Mydatasheet.xls"
DataTable.AddSheet tmpDataTbl
DataTable.ImportSheet tmpSheetLocation, arrSheet(i), tmpDataTbl
'Driver Script
intTotalRows = DataTable.GetSheet(tmpDataTbl).GetRowCount
dtRows = 1
Call CreateTestCaseLog("--------------- <b>" & ucase(arrSheet(i)) & "</b>---------------",4)
Call RunTest(TestStartTime,l_strsheetname)
End Function
Function RunTest(TestStartTime,l_strsheetname)
For dtRows = 1 To intTotalRows
Read Test Case data
strExecutionflag = trim(ucase(DataTable("Exec_Flag", tmpDataTbl)))
strExecutionflag = Replace(strExecutionflag, Chr(13), "")
strExecutionflag = Replace(strExecutionflag, Chr(10), "")
temprows = dtRows
If ucase(trim(strExecutionflag)) = "Y" Then
blnTestStepFlag = True
blnOverallTestCaseStatus = True
blnReportTestCaseStatus = True
strTestCaseID = DataTable("ID", tmpDataTbl)
strTest_Case_Name = DataTable("Test_Case_Name", tmpDataTbl)
gtestcaselog = "" ' Reinitialize the log for new test case
startTime = Now
Call CreateTestCaseLog("Test Start Time - " & replace(replace(formatdatetime(now),":","-"),"/","-") ,4)
Do While blnTestStepFlag
strTest_Step_ID = DataTable("Test_ID", tmpDataTbl)
strControlType = DataTable("ObjectTypes", tmpDataTbl)
strControlName = DataTable("ObjectNames", tmpDataTbl)
strControlValues = DataTable("ObjectValues", tmpDataTbl)
StrScenarioName=DataTable("Test_Step_ID", tmpDataTbl)
BusinessKeyword = DataTable("Keyword", tmpDataTbl)
strParameter1 = DataTable("Parameter1", tmpDataTbl)
Call CreateTestCaseLog("******************<b>" & BusinessKeyword & "</b>******************",4)
ret = Eval (BusinessKeyword)
If (ret = False) OR (ret = "") Then
blnOverallTestCaseStatus = False
blnReportTestCaseStatus = False
tempstimestamp = replace(replace(formatdatetime(now),":","-"),"/","-")
tempspath = Environment.Value("TestDirectory") & "Screenshots\" & tempstimestamp & ".png"
constobjParent.CaptureBitmap tempspath,True
Call CreateTestCaseLog("Snapshot <br/> " & "<a target='_blank' href='" & tempspath & " '> Screenshot</a> <br/> " ,2)
Call CreateTestCaseLog("Function " & BusinessKeyword & " was successful" ,1)
End If
dtRows = dtRows + 1
If DataTable("ID", tmpDataTbl) <> "" or (blnOverallTestCaseStatus = False ) Then
blnTestStepFlag = False
dtRows = dtRows - 1
If Instr(1,ucase(strTestCaseID),"P") > 0 Then
intPreTestCaseCount = intPreTestCaseCount + 1
If blnOverallTestCaseStatus = False Then
End If
End If
Call CreateTestCaseLog("Test End Time - " & replace(replace(formatdatetime(now),":","-"),"/","-") ,4)
DurationOfCaseExecution = DateDiff("n",startTime,Now)
Call CreateTestCaseLog("Test Case Execution Time - " & DurationOfCaseExecution ,4)
Call GenerateDetailedHtmlReport(intTestCaseCount,strTestCaseID,strTest_Case_Name,blnOverallTestCaseStatus,gtestcaselog,l_strsheetname)
End If
Loop 'loop until test ends
If instr(strTestCaseID,";")>0 Then
intTestCaseCount = intTestCaseCount + ubound(l_scriptArray)+1
If blnOverallTestCaseStatus=false Then
intFailCount=intFailCount+ ubound(l_scriptArray)+1
End If
intTestCaseCount = intTestCaseCount +1
If blnOverallTestCaseStatus=false Then
intFailCount=intFailCount+ 1
End If
End If
End If
TestEndTime = Now()
DurationOfTestExecution = DateDiff("n",TestStartTime,TestEndTime)
Call GenerateFinalReports(intTestCaseCount,intFailCount,DurationOfTestExecution,l_strsheetname)
End Function
If you want to download the full source code, data sheets, sample scripts and examples, Please buy an e-book at below url.
QTP/UFT Framework
I will send you all the details along with pdf.
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