Advanced QTP Interview Questions and Answers For Experienced Guys

Well on this page you will find all the advanced QTP interview Questions and their answers.

Here is the list of top 50/100 Advanceed QTP interview Questions for experienced professionals.

Q1. When Should we use Descriptive Programming in QTP?
Answer - As you must be knowing, QTP identifies objects using either Object Repository or Description Programming. So you might wonder that in which Scenrios we should use Description Programming.
here is the list of scenarios where descriptive programming is better than Object Repository.

  • Same object exists in different windows/screens of your application. If you use OR in this case, you will have to store the same object under different object hierarchy in OR. So to handle this situation we can access this object using description programming. This will help us remove duplicate objects.
  • In certain situations, It is not feasible to store the objects inside OR. For example - If you want to print all the links (say 100 links) on the webpage, You should not store all links in OR. But you should use Description programming to access those links. 

Q2. What is settoproerty and when to use it in QTP?
Answer - Settoproperty stands for set test object property. At run time you can edit the property values of the object. When execution ends the value of the property is not saved in OR.So changes you make to OR using settoproperty are temporary.
You need to use this method when object values change at runtime. Thus by changing the value of the property at run time you can identify the object.

Here is the list of some of the advanced QTP interview Questions.
  1. what is the difference between vbs and qfl files?
  2. What is the difference between Eval and Execute in QTP?
  3. what is the difference between executefile and loadfunctionlibrary?
  4. What is the difference between invokeapplication and
  5. How to read registry key and value?
  6. How to get system environment variables in QTP?
  7. How to send an email from outlook in QTP?
  8. How to fetch data from database in QTP?
  9. How to get files from ftp server in QTP?
  10. How to prevent the system from getting locked?
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  2. Advanced QTP Tutorial
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