Filesystemobject is used to access the computer's file system in QTP. You can read, edit, delete files using this object. You can also create/ delete folders using this object in QTP.
Most important methods of Filesystemobject
CopyFile Method ----------->copies file from one location to other with option to overwrite existing file
CopyFolder Method---------->copies folder and its contents from one location to other with option to overwrite existing folder
CreateFolder Method-------->creates a new folder. If the folder already exists, error occurs. So before creating a folder, check for its existance
CreateTextFile Method------>creates a new file and returns the textstream object with option to overwrite and format mode (Ascii or unicode)
DeleteFile Method---------->deletes the specified file. Error occurs if the given file does not exist
DeleteFolder Method-------->deletes the specified folder. Error occurs if the given folder does not exist
DriveExists Method--------->returns true if the given drive exists in the system else returns false
FileExists Method---------->returns true if the given file exists in the system else returns false
FolderExists Method-------->returns true if the given folder exists in the system else returns false
GetDrive Method------------>returns drive object for the given drive
GetFile Method------------->returns file object for the given file
GetFolder Method----------->returns folder object for the given folder
MoveFile Method------------>moves file from one location to another
MoveFolder Method---------->moves folder and it's contents from one location to another
OpenTextFile Method-------->opens the text file and returns the textstream object with option of iomode, create new file and format mode(ascii/unicode)
GetDriveName Method-------->gets the drive name for the given path
GetFileName Method--------->gets the file name (last component ) for the given path
GetExtensionName Method---->gets the extension for the given path like txt, mp3 etc
GetAbsolutePathName Method->gets the complete path for the given relative/absolute path
GetBaseName Method--------->gets the name of file (last component) excluding extension
GetParentFolderName Method->Gets the name of parent folder
Filesystemobject has only one property
Drives Property------------>returns the collection of the drives objects in the system
Examples on filesystem object
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
print fso.GetdriveName("c:\sagar\bl\metachara.txt")
'output - c:
print fso.GetAbsolutePathName("c:\sagar\bl\metachara.txt")
'output - C:\sagar\bl\metachara.txt
print fso.GetExtensionName("c:\sagar\bl\metachara.txt")
'output - txt
print fso.GetBaseName("c:\sagar\bl\metachara.txt")
'output - metachara
print fso.GetFileName("c:\sagar\bl")
'output - bl
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Most important methods of Filesystemobject
CopyFile Method ----------->copies file from one location to other with option to overwrite existing file
CopyFolder Method---------->copies folder and its contents from one location to other with option to overwrite existing folder
CreateFolder Method-------->creates a new folder. If the folder already exists, error occurs. So before creating a folder, check for its existance
CreateTextFile Method------>creates a new file and returns the textstream object with option to overwrite and format mode (Ascii or unicode)
DeleteFile Method---------->deletes the specified file. Error occurs if the given file does not exist
DeleteFolder Method-------->deletes the specified folder. Error occurs if the given folder does not exist
DriveExists Method--------->returns true if the given drive exists in the system else returns false
FileExists Method---------->returns true if the given file exists in the system else returns false
FolderExists Method-------->returns true if the given folder exists in the system else returns false
GetDrive Method------------>returns drive object for the given drive
GetFile Method------------->returns file object for the given file
GetFolder Method----------->returns folder object for the given folder
MoveFile Method------------>moves file from one location to another
MoveFolder Method---------->moves folder and it's contents from one location to another
OpenTextFile Method-------->opens the text file and returns the textstream object with option of iomode, create new file and format mode(ascii/unicode)
GetDriveName Method-------->gets the drive name for the given path
GetFileName Method--------->gets the file name (last component ) for the given path
GetExtensionName Method---->gets the extension for the given path like txt, mp3 etc
GetAbsolutePathName Method->gets the complete path for the given relative/absolute path
GetBaseName Method--------->gets the name of file (last component) excluding extension
GetParentFolderName Method->Gets the name of parent folder
Filesystemobject has only one property
Drives Property------------>returns the collection of the drives objects in the system
Examples on filesystem object
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
print fso.GetdriveName("c:\sagar\bl\metachara.txt")
'output - c:
print fso.GetAbsolutePathName("c:\sagar\bl\metachara.txt")
'output - C:\sagar\bl\metachara.txt
print fso.GetExtensionName("c:\sagar\bl\metachara.txt")
'output - txt
print fso.GetBaseName("c:\sagar\bl\metachara.txt")
'output - metachara
print fso.GetFileName("c:\sagar\bl")
'output - bl
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- Create a text file in QTP.
- Delete a folder in QTP
- Delete an Excel file in QTP
- Create a folder in QTP.
- Rename a file in QTP.
- Append contents to text file in QTP.
- Copy text file in QTP.
- Write data to text file in QTP.
- Check if file exists in QTP.
- Copy folder in QTP.
- Read a text file in QTP.
- Check if folder exists in QTP.
- Delete text file in QTP.
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