Sunday, 24 November 2013

Test Settings in QTP

Test settings is very important part of the QTP test. You can open the test settings from the file sub menu.
You will find below sections in test settings window.

1. Properties Settings:
In properties section you will find the location of the test and add-ins associated with the test.

2. Run Settings:
In run section you will find below settings.

  1. Data table iterations
  2. When error occurs - what to do
  3. Object Synchronization timeout

3. Resources Settings:
In resources section you will be able to see/edit the associated function libraries of the test.

4. Parameters Settings:
In parameters section you will specify the input and ouptu parameters.

You can access the parameters using script as mentioned below.

Set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") ' Create the Application object
Set pDefColl = qtApp.Test.ParameterDefinitions
Set rtParams = pDefColl.GetParameters() ' Retrieve the Parameters collection defined for the test.
Set rtParam = rtParams.Item("sagar") ' Retrieve a specific parameter.
print rtParam.value

5. Environment Settings:
In Environment section you can view built - in and user defined global variables. You can also create new user defined variables here.

6. Web Settings:
In web section you can specify the browser navigation timeout.

7. Recovery Settings:
In recovery section you will be able to add and activate/deactivate  new recovery scenarios to the test.
You can also view the properties of the scenarios.

8. Local System Monitor Settings:
In this section you can monitor the various properties of the system like memory usage, cpu usage by given application during test execution.

You may also like below topics on test settings.

  1. How to associate library files in QTP.
  2. Folder structure in QTP
  3. Types of environment variables in QTP.
  4. How to get System Environment Variables.
  5. How to load ini file in QTP

Please give your inputs, suggestions, feedback to Us about above QTP topic. We value your thoughts.

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