Here is an example that shows how we can create a class in QTP.
Once we define the class, we can create its objects and then access its method and properties.
'declare the class viz. Book.
Class Book
dim bn,bp
' class has 2 variable members bn and bp.
public Property Get bookname()
' Get bookname property gets the book name of the object of Book
bookname = bn
End Property
public Property Let bookname(x)
bn = x
' Let bookname property assigns value to the book name of the object of Book
End Property
public Property Get price()
price = bp
End Property
public Property Let price(x)
bp = x
End Property
function discountedPrice()
print bp-20
'We can have functions and procedures inside class to process memeber variables
End function
End Class
Set b1 = new Book
'createing the object b2 of the class Book.
b1.bookname = "QTP Tutorials"
b1.price = 220
'assigning value to the object b1
print b1.bookname()
'getting the value of the property bookname.
'accessing the function in class
Set b1 = nothing
This is how we can create and use the classes in QTP.
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