In QTP, you can use dotnetfactory object to access .net objects. You must have .net framework installed in your system before you use createinstance method.
Typename - any type name that .net framework provides example - System.Environment
The following example uses the CreateInstance method to create a object of a system environment type
Set obj = Dotnetfactory.CreateInstance("System.Environment")
print obj.MachineName
Set obj = Dotnetfactory.CreateInstance("System.Math")
print cstr(obj.Abs(-12))
It enables you to create an instance of a .NET object, and access
its methods and properties.
Createinstance method returns a COM interface for a .NET object.
Set myobj = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance (TypeName [,Assembly] [,args])
Typename - any type name that .net framework provides example - System.Environment
The following example uses the CreateInstance method to create a object of a system environment type
Set obj = Dotnetfactory.CreateInstance("System.Environment")
print obj.MachineName
Set obj = Dotnetfactory.CreateInstance("System.Math")
print cstr(obj.Abs(-12))
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