Monday, 25 March 2013

Dotnetfactory.createinstance in QTP

In QTP, you can use dotnetfactory object to access .net objects. You must have .net framework installed in your system before you use createinstance method.

It enables you to create an instance of a .NET object, and access its methods and properties.
Createinstance method returns a COM interface for a .NET object.

Set myobj = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance (TypeName [,Assembly] [,args])

Typename - any type name that .net framework provides example - System.Environment

The following example uses the CreateInstance method to create a object of a system environment type

Set obj = Dotnetfactory.CreateInstance("System.Environment")
print obj.MachineName

Set obj = Dotnetfactory.CreateInstance("System.Math")
print cstr(obj.Abs(-12))      

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